Let’s meet here:

I invite you for:

2018.07.07-14 Sweden

NO MIND FESTIVAL at Angsbacka in Sweden – Empathy Tent – I will support Participants and Volunteers in Zen Coaching way with free coaching sessions in Empathy Tent during this Festival.

More informations about NO MIND FESTIVAL you can find here:

2018.07.20-26 Sweden

YOGA FESTIVAL at Angsbacka in Sweden – Empathy Tent – I will support Participants and Volunteers in Zen Coaching way with free coaching sessions in Empathy Tent during this Festival.

More informations about YOGA FESTIVAL you can find here:

2018.07.31-08.05 Sweden

TANTRA FESTIVAL at Angsbacka in Sweden –  I will facylitate OSHO Dynamic Meditation and I will support Volunteers in Zen Coaching way with free coaching sessions in “Healing Circle” during this Festival.

More informations about TANTRA FESTIVAL you can find here:

2018.10.25-28 URLE (near by Warsaw)

2018.10.25-28  “IMMERSION IN TRUTH”

RETREAT with Zen Coaching and OSHO Active Meditations.

Please contact me if you are curious about this retreat 🙂


2018.11.28 POLAND

Start of 6th edition of ZEN COACHING Training in Poland.

I will lead 3 modules one as a teacher. Also Kare Landflad (founder of Zen Coaching), Kavina Thorslund and Roger Marklund (Teachers of Zen Coaching) will lead modules one (and others) in Poland.

More info about Zen Coaching Training you can find here: https://zen-coaching.com/

2019.09.11-16 WARSAW

„RELATIONSHIPS AND INTIMACY” through Nonviolent Communication, Neurobiology and Family Constellations with Sarah Peyton.

I strongly recomend this workshop! I will be there also, like assistent.

fot. Aneta Nowakowska Photography


There is no city in which you live on the list of events?

Do you want to experience workshops where you live?

Write to me!

We will find a way to make your dreams come true!

If you are interested in the opinions of the Participants of my workshops, see their recommendations.

I’m waiting for e-mail from you!

+48 606 586 034